jeudi 21 avril 2016

EGC obligation

It is now two week than I'm in Egypt,
And for this reason I must write a article on my impression about the city and the country.

Concerning the country,
For that is a beautiful country where the people are very friendly with you, anywhere where you go.
When I go in the tourist places all people speak in english, they don't the choice because you many tourist same at this period of the year.
This country is beautiful as much for the landscape as for her people who are incredible generosity.
It's a special atmosphere, and same the people can be poor they keep all time the smile.
For sure, there is much to do again, but if he has one thing we can not remove at egyptian it's her culture, her generosity, and her hospitality.
I don't want to do a wikipedia description of this country, I think you have wikipedia, but I would like say you one thing. Stop to judge a country without to go in this country, since where I'm here I realized than the media diffuse information who are sometimes false.
It's not a dangerous country like think many different persons, the life is different, true, but isn't because the country is different than which can store it in a certain category.
For me, I'm better receive here in Egypt by any person than in France.

Concerning the city,
Cairo is the capital in Egypt with 9 billion of resident, It's the center economic, cultural, politic and social in Egypt.
I cannot speak of the Cairo in general, because I live in a safe district near of the department of the defense, in front of the hotel, and that the district the most expensive in Cairo where all rich persons live.
The discreet where I live is little but I have all I want like coffee, supermarket, restaurant.
All the street around the hotel are clean and you don't have any problem.
After, I work 48hour by week and It's difficult for me to explain my impression on the city.
I try to do this after maybe 4 days off, but for the moment I don't want judge a city without visited this one.

Thank you,
See you soon !

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